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Nurse Making Notes




Service Fee 


Consultation 診症收費

$900 (new 新症) / $900 (follow-up 覆診)

+/- Drug fees (Or free prescription slip for independent dispensaries)

+/- 另加藥費 (或選擇自行於其他藥房配藥,藥單不另收費)



C13 Urease Breath Test (For Helicobacter Pylori) 碳13呼氣測試 (幽門螺旋菌)




​Outpatient Gastroscopy (OGD, EGD) 門診胃鏡檢查

$7500 no polyp or biopsy for histological examination 沒息肉或抽取組織化驗

$+2000 polyp removal or biopsy for histological examination 有瘜肉或抽取組織化驗


Inclusive of one post-procedure consultation, doctor's fee, theater charges, equipment charges, helicobacter pylori testing (CLOtest).




Outpatient Colonoscopy 門診大腸鏡檢查


+ $4000 (1-3 polyps or biopsies for histological examination / 1-3粒瘜肉或組織化驗)

+ $5000 (4 or more polyps or biopsies for histological examination / 4粒或以上瘜肉或組織化驗)


Inclusive of one post-procedure consultation, doctor's fees, theater charges, equipment charges.




Hemorrhoid banding 痔瘡結紮




Inpatient endoscopy/surgery or other services 私家醫院手術或其他服務

Varies according to different hospitals, please contact us


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